Autumnsblogspot’s Blog

Archive for August 2009

Hi all!

It’s been a while since I added to my blog. I’ve been so busy with summer stuff…but they say that summer is over. That’s not fair! It only just began!! Hmph!

I must tell you that I went to a Beach Pawty and had so much fun. I ran around like a …well, like a dog having fun! They had pools were I got my paws wet. There was a contest called bobbing for Hot dogs. I wasn’t very good at that.

All the dogs dressed in their finest beachwear and guess what? I won! YAY. I won a big giftbag with treats and doggie cake. I got a big pink flamingo toy. It’s head rattles and it’s body squeaks. How fun is that?

They gave us plenty to eat and even enjoyed doggie ice cream Yummy!

This was my first summer as a free dog and it was fantastic.

Did I tell you that I now walk with mom without a leash? Yup! She trusts me ‘cuz I walk beside her and stray too far away. Even when I see my friends in the neighborhood Ma knows that I’m going to go play with them and not run off. Everyone says that I’m such a good girl. 🙂

I like all this freedom. It’s so much fun. I’ve even learned some human words like CAR and OUTSIDE and GRANDMA, and of course, DINNER.  I know those words pretty darn good! I’m very proud of myself. You should see me when I hear those words. I know what they mean and I get excited!

September 8th will mark my 6th month with Ma and as a free dog. Freedom means a lot to me. I have learned so much in the past 6 months about what freedom is and I love it. It took me baby steps but I’ve come along way and I know in another 6 months…WOW who knows what I’ll learn!!

I am a very happy little girl and blessed to have so many wonderful friends who care.  I’m glad that the NPMR org. saved my life and super glad that Ma and I found each other.

Love Autumn

PS. I still don’t want my picture taken!Always with the camera!This was my new hair style. I look like a goober